Most people know that your credit score can drop if you miss a payment or have a new collection filed against you. But how about when you apply for new credit? Yes, a credit application will trigger a “hard inquiry” on your report, which can have an impact on your credit score. Here’s what to know about hard inquiries, and how they compare with “soft inquiries.”
Understanding Warrantable vs. Non-Warrantable When Purchasing a Condo
When you’re shopping for a condo, there’s a bit more on your plate than just the typical homebuying concerns like credit scores, interest rates, and loan programs. A crucial aspect is understanding the role of the Homeowners’ Association (HOA) and whether the condo is warrantable or non-warrantable. This distinction can significantly impact your mortgage process and future as a condo owner.
What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – July 15th, 2024
With lofty expectations, the CPI delivered a lower-than-expected inflation increase, leading to a positive uptake across many lending partners and markets. However, the PPI was on the opposite end of that, with a higher-than-expected inflation rate increase, muting the positive response from the CPI data release.
What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – July 15th, 2024
With lofty expectations, the CPI delivered a lower-than-expected inflation increase, leading to a positive uptake across many lending partners and markets. However, the PPI was on the opposite end of that, with a higher-than-expected inflation rate increase, muting the positive response from the CPI data release.
The Difference Between Pending And Contingent Deals
The real estate market can be a bit confusing, especially when you encounter terms like “pending” and “contingent” deals. Understanding these terms is crucial whether you’re a buyer or a seller, as they can significantly impact the progression of a property transaction.
House Hacking Pros And Cons Explained
Have you ever heard of house hacking? It’s a real estate strategy that allows you to live in a property while renting out part of it to generate income. This approach helps offset your living expenses and can even pave the way to financial independence. Here’s a breakdown of what house hacking entails, along with its benefits and drawbacks.
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